Graduate School Admissions Counseling
I provide extensive counseling and application preparation for law schools, business schools, medical schools, masters' degree programs, and PhD programs.
Recent Successes

University of Southern California, PhD in Public Policy
Fully funded merit scholarship package including annual stipend for duration of the PhD program

Yale Medical School

I. Discussion of types of graduate schools and where and when to apply
We begin with a discussion of why graduate school? Why at this point in your career?
We discuss various graduate school programs and potential joint degrees.
We make a list of graduate schools to apply to.
II. Strategic advice on how to strengthen your candidacy
We discuss the key components of your graduate school application. Should you seek a few more years' work experience in a specific area to strengthen your candidacy? Should you seek a research assistant position with a particular professor for masters' and PhD programs?
We discuss what narrative you want to create in your application and how to best stand out as a candidate.
III. Test prep advising
We discuss the various pre-application tests required and when and how to start prepping.
For law school, should you take the GRE or LSAT?
I can personally provide LSAT tutoring.
IV. Full application preparation and editing
I will work with you through every aspect of the application process:
Brainstorming and drafting personal statements and essays​
Preparing research statements
Choosing academic and professional references
Editing final application package
V. Merit and financial aid negotiation
We will discuss various merit scholarships and financial aid packages.
I will walk you through financial aid negotiation. By negotiating packages alone, you could save thousands or tens of thousands on tuition.
VI. Advising throughout graduate school
I am happy to continue as a counselor as you advance through graduate school, prepare essays and theses, and think about how to best package yourself for your post-graduation employment.